Learning Chemistry by Turning Cubes

by Markus T. Müller

Game instructions and general informations (English)
After a general introduction you will find the game instructions for 15 different chemistry cube games.
ChemCube Spielanleitung 15-10-2018 Engli
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.1 MB

Spielanleitungen und Informationen zum Spiel (German - Deutsch)
Nach einer generellen Einführung mit allgemeinen Informationen zu den Chemistry Cubes und zum Spiel finden Sie hier 15 verschiedene Spielanleitungen und Spielideen.
ChemCube Spielanleitung Deutsch 15-10-20
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.1 MB

Règles du Jeux (French - Français)
Chemistry Cube Game Francais 15-10-2018.
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.5 MB

Regole del gioco (Italian - Italiano)
ChemCube Spielanleitung Italienisch15-10
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.3 MB

Assmebling the cubes

The cubes are designed to be assembled once. The open edges may be glued so that the cubes are closed. Re-opening the cubes may destroy the clips. 

Basic Playing Rules

The cubes can be turned in those directions that are allowed by the letters, vertically and/or horizontally. If the letters stay up side down or in a 90° angle after a turn, then this transition or reaction normally is not possible directly.

Chemistry Cube Game:  Student-Box


The Student-Box contains 16 cubes